The Best ways to get know Medellin women fast!

how to date Medellin women

Words similar to gorgeous, friendly, and sweet become part of the conversation or the reading when it comes to learn about or introduce the Medellin women.  This, without any doubt, is a justified manner to talk about them.


However, the journey towards approaching and dating a Medellin woman can be quick and out of the ordinary if you consider a few basic heedful steps. I cannot determine any hard and fast rules and believe me, there aren’t any.


Speaking on behalf of my learning, it is highly dependent on your approach, your intentions, and the chemistry between you and the lady you would meet. But sure, I can help you with few basic tips! Let’s begin with the above three words and take it further.


Gorgeous – Medellin women inherit the Spanish genes. Their dark features and the tanned skin tone significantly contribute to their attractiveness. Medellin, the second-largest city is known for its ecotourism, art and culture, fashion and as one of the lands with the prettiest women on the earth.


A noticeable phenomenon in the personality of Medellin women is her keen desire to stay nicely dressed up. You would not find a single girl poorly dressed, undone hair or without wearing make-up on the streets, roads or malls of the city. So a presentable look is somehow connected to the society.


Therefore, the first tip is to dress decent, use nice cologne if you are thinking to meet and engage Medellin women into a conversation.


Friendly– An associated myth with women of Medellin is, they are very easy. Well, my friend, my learning says to dig it deeper. Do not confuse the word “friendly” with “easy”. The Medellin women are decent and smart.


If you are foreigner, you will be warmly welcomed by the local people as well as the local Medellin women. Hospitality is Colombia’s greatest amiable social trait. It definitely will go in your favor as many of medallion girls fancy foreign boyfriends.


Adding to your advantage, learning some basic Spanish words will bring in more chances to get connected with the lovely Medellin women.


One of facts is, Colombia is ranked 50th country in spoken English language. My second tip to a gringo fellow is to learn some Basic English phrases. It brings more life to the conversation and interaction when somebody makes a few attempts to speak in your local language.


You can always use travel guide, take help from hotel staff. The areas closer to Parque Lleras in Medellin and partying clubs hold a good sense of English language.


Sweet – Yes, the Medellin women are pretty much sweet and affection is again a cultural trait. But don’t let yourself fall into the trap of illusionary success. Winning the heart of any Medellin girl requires as much effort as the heart of any other women on earth.


There is a rule, treat others the way you want to be treated. Your approach to reach a woman will define who you will win at the end of the day – It is mainly about what you say and how you say. So watch your words and action—Medellin beauties have got brains!


One more fact that may catch you unaware is possessive and aggressive attitudes of Medellin people in relationships.


Close bonding within the family and relationship are common. So, before flirting or asking for the number of Medellin girl, make sure she is single.


Same situation applies when you try night clubs looking for the Medellin woman. Bars and clubs have this unique character that you will not find the Medellin girls alone but with their groups with their male acquaintances. Hard to guess, if the girl you want to buy a drink is single, isn’t it? Yes it is for sure!


If you are interested make your search in dance clubs, better pick Salsa Dance Clubs. This is where you will find a multitude of Medellin women on weekend evenings. A decent move is to ask a girl for dance and try getting into conversation from there.


The iconic valley of Medellin surrounded by beautiful mountains and with a moderate subtropical temperature has more than just clubs, food and coffee. It’s a place rich in cultural heritage.


Art theaters, library parks, annual festivals, museums are all the nice places where you are likely to meet educated, mature and the sophisticated Medellin girls. If you look for serious relationships these might be the appropriate places.


But to warn you, I have came to know many of educated and independent Medellin women already are in relationship or care less about foreign guys but you never  know, success never base itself on mere listening but it always creates its own theory based on its own experience.


A prior conversation on dating sites, social sites is a good option. Or create a social circle and then try meeting a Medellin girl through trusted contact.


Lastly friends, beware of the fact there is huge difference in the photos of Models and the reality. Do not deceive yourself or blame anyone for your own lack of knowledge and analysis!


Medellin beauty is counted among exceptional beauties in the world but at the same time use sophisticated approach to win a Medellin woman of your heart for a long term relation.


No doubt easy catches are always there but then don’t complain if you will be treated the same way!

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