How To Date Latvian Girls The Full Guide!

how to date latvian girls

Latvian girls are known for their height in the world and face beauty, particularly in Europe. It is said that the Latvian girls are the tallest in the world have the prettiest faces among European women.


This is one of the reasons for their attraction by the foreign men. Dating features and cultural descriptions towards this or related matters go parallel with each other.


Understanding the country and its social norms is of huge importance when it comes to talking about relationships with lovely women of any particular land or region.


Men from Europe are usually more among those intrigued travelers who have happened to visit the place and try out their potential of possible commitments or sexual encounters with the Latvian girls.


So far, to a lot of men, Latvian girls are a mystery. They are unable to understand these women and the experience that they have known so far with those girls from Latvia.


Also, you would find a lot of online dating sites to meet Latvian girls but the literature lacks on experiences of men with them in relationships. This is one of the reasons that long-term dating in this part of the land is still unexplored by foreign men outside Europe.


In line with the less known context, this post is going to be a little different in nature than the rest of my posts.


I am not going to call it the guide to date Latvian girls neither I will offer any particular tips to you. Instead, I will share some facts and two experiences lying on the opposite ends of poles and later some extracted conclusions at the end.


I am going to leave it up to you to make your lessons out of these briefcase stories and develop your plans if you wish to have a gorgeous Latvian girl by your side. So let’s start by learning basic information about the country.


Some Facts about Latvia and Stereotypes on Dating and Marriage


  • It shares its boundaries with Russia, Lithuania, and Belarus and the maritime border with Sweden. So is the inevitable to have the influence of neighboring countries in the dating culture.
  • 62% of the population is Latvian while 25% is Russian. There are some other ethnic groups in minor percentages as well.
  • Latvia attained its Independence from the Soviet Union and established the status of a separate country in the early 1900s.
  • Latvia is one of the most developed countries in Northern Europe.
  • Riga, besides being the capital of the country has also been known as the capital for sex tourists in Eastern Europe.
  • Latvia inhabits above 1 million citizens and a study by BBC stated that there is a considerable gap between the men and women ratio in the country. Women are 8% more in the population than men.
  • The higher number of women population is one of the reasons that makes them look for their partners/soulmates out of Latvia,
  • About more than 30% of Latvia girls marry men from other ethnic groups.
  • The ratio of cheating on their wives is very high among Latvian men leading to higher divorce rates. It is also claimed that the local men are very much addicted to alcoholism.
  • The best thing about Latvian women is that they are not racist. So you will never be judged by them on the basis of your ethnic background.
  • Different people different opinions–According to some, Latvian girls like men with a great sense of fashion. Someone said they like a little rugged look.
  • Like most women, Latvian girls also like to be appreciated for the efforts spend on themselves looking great.
  • Night games with nightclubs are most of the time have scam-artists playing on the field.

A Story by a Sex Tourist

I have given the fictitious name to the person and his friends. A group of around five men from Western Europe who had the great desire to explore their experiences with the Latvian women landed in Riga.

Having the knowledge and skills of a naive to the place, Mr. curious didn’t have much idea what would be the best strategy to approach women in Riga. Headed to a nightclub with his friend Mr. Explorer, they both have the target of at least one woman to lay with that night.

Reaching upon the club, there was a group of pretty chicks (using Mr. Curious’s words). After so many attempts, could not convince a single woman–Neither of them.

Finally, he locked his eyes with one girl in her early 20s who he thought could be a genuine girl. The following rule back in England that men and women buy drinks to each other in return; he asked the same from the girl. She said it’s Latvia – which means he was supposed to pay for the drink.

“I was emotionally drained by the end of the night. I have seen other men going to the floor and being bounced back over and over again and making one after another attempt but failed. How disrespectful are the Latvian girls towards men”.

The above were his words after losing the game. His other three friends were on the way so he was just so looking forward to how they would do.

A response from a girl from Latvia — “There is a professional play. Don’t complain if you don’t have the guts. Respect has to be exchanged; it is not a one-way gesture. Keep your feeling and emotions away when you are in a business.”


A Story by Another Foreign Man

Mr. Look Forward met a girl during his stay in Latvia. While dating her for a very short time, he realized she is very shy but genuine and a sweet girl. He was very cautious because of the stories he has heard about gold diggers and foreign visa/passport chasers.


So, he took it slowly and kept on knowing the girl. According to her, she wasn’t very expressive which destroys her chances of a successful relationship. Understanding her personality he remained initiative throughout their date.

After going back to his place, he did not cut off the contact with the girl completely but was into one-night stands. He felt quite tired of that unstable life and wanted something long-term.

So with further deliberation, he learned she is the girl who actually could be the perfect one for his life. Now they are happily married for the past four years and have two beautiful kids. He is very much happy with the decision he has made.

“Meeting my wife once on the street of Latvia was the best thing that happened in my life” –Words of Mr. Look Forward.



None of these is any different story that we hear each day. Some complaint and some consider it to the best present of their lives.

As far as I can say, if Riga has/had the label of being capital for sex tourists in Eastern Europe then, definitely Latvian or maybe Russian girls in the clubs would be highly pro.

So making the mistake of assuming that Latvian girls are dumb or easy who would sleep with you just because you are a foreigner is the biggest mistake.

Also, “In Rome, do as the Romans do”. Learn to respect the local norms and culture instead of imposing the terms where are you coming from.

Spend some time reading and finding the place before actually going there. This will save you from later complaining like a loser and criticizing the women. That’s your defeat, not theirs.

I will conclude with the statement Latvian girls are not only pretty faces but way more than that. They are smart, educated, and intelligent. They have the ability to sniff a douche from miles. Why to cry when you were objectified in turn while objectifying the women.

I wish you luck with your plans and decisions of dating and understanding the Latvian girls.

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