How To Date a Greek Women:The Best Tips Online!

Greek Women


Greek Women from the Mediterranean paradise are different experiences by different men. Greece is one of the oldest civilizations on the earth has deep and multi-layer roots of culture, history, and geography.

This so is incredibly reflected in the Greek women, their behavior, thinking patterns, living styles, etc.

If you are already with a lady from Greece or if it fascinates you to look for Greek women for a relationship you might have or will come across the following at some point.

Sensuous and Feminine – I do not think anyone can deny the femininity that Greek women have retained despite taking up different roles in society.

Their dressing and attitude are all very feminine. You may find little tanned skin girls with dark hair and eyes but then there would be women with green, brown or blue eyes.

This remarkably, adds to their attractiveness and makes them desired. They have maintained a fair amount of delicate outlook yet at the same time a strong woman who is capable to do anything provided she wants to.

Extremes and Passions – These are actually two different things but still I have put them together as these may have close connection.

Greek people in general are passionate about whatever they do. You can, for the reason expect the same from the Greek women. Your girl whatever she picks up will treat it with passion.

Be it a relationship, a career path, or a small day-to-day activity of expressing care or it could be something just to cheer you up when you have a bad day. Such as taking you out for your favorite meal, etc

If there is passion, sometimes it turns into aggressiveness or intensity.  I have heard the words, she is hysterical, drama queen, complicated, problematic, don’t balance the emotion, nuts, crazy etc.

For someone, it that much got into their head that he carried a comprehensive study to find scientific reasons for his girlfriend’s behavior. Somewhere I read, one out of every three Greek women is ‘intense’. Well, Greek ladies, you are welcome to comment on the statement.

As far as I have learned from my friends, yes she could be intense but sometimes it worth it. You get a truly caring friend by your side as long as you want.

One of the American fellows shared about her Greek friend. When she fights, it’s like earth or sky will burst but then when she lets everything out, give her some time and she will be the same after some day or time.

Family, did you take any Notes on your Phone? – Dating Greek women means regular interactions with Grandma, grandpa, cousins, and aunts, etc. People in Greece have maintained close family bonding ever since.

So be ready. Seeing a Greek girl? You will soon be a part of different family gatherings. Her family will love to know you and have both of you spend time with them on different special occasions.

Believe me, Greeks always find the reason to celebrate, sit together and have some drinks and talk. You will soon be introduced to the cousins of your girlfriend.

This is why I said, you will need the notes to remember the names and other details. Trust me, the number is not going to be limited to just 1, 2, or 4.

Maybe the Family would be of Help? Sure it would be. But why do you need their help? Actually, if you are really into your Greek girlfriend and want to strengthen the relation, start winning her family.

And she will be yours. Not guaranteed but this is true in the majority of cases. You can just bring them a bottle of wine next time you show up or appreciate the food they have prepared for you.

Remember, not to exaggerate. This will get you minus points. Artificial or overacting may become the reverse gear.

Are you like her Father? I read a Greek lady saying, our father are our Hercules or in simple words, they are their heroes.

Centuries have gone but the relation between daughter and father has not had even the slightest fading, infact it has gone stronger over the period.

The Greek women expect the guy they would meet, treat them the way their father has treated them—like a princess with unlimited affection. This is why I guess many times guys find them complicated or pampered.

But all they want from you is to be at the center of your mind and heart. There was again someone saying, appreciate her brain along with her looks.

Although, that was said in a different context still it is relevant. It doesn’t lead the relationship to the destination of a rewarding outcome unless you add a great amount of thought and affection to it.

Do you adore Greece as an amazing Holiday Spot? I am sure you would. No one can resist falling in love with the great beaches.

Dating Greek women means time-to-time visits to Greek. They are so in love with their land. Going back, spending time in their soil fills them with positive energy. This is another thing, you will have to expect while having a Greek to be your girl.

You will keep getting chances to enjoy the exotic beaches of great Greece.

Deep down lost in the Memories– Well this sounds quite poetic and philosophical. Yes, you cannot ignore this attribute of a culture that has given the world lots of history and foundation for various philosophies.

Sitting down by the beach, and writing down all beautiful moments while enjoying the mesmerizing natural music of the cool breeze and the sound of waves, is something that has been passed on from generations in Greece.

They live their moments and love capturing them to reflect back to live them again in memories. They are deep people and that is why passion is part of their nature and personalities.

Oh yes, Mother Knows all– Sent a mail to your Greek girlfriend? Was it just for her and you didn’t want anyone to check that. Well, you have made a mistake. Mommy has opened it thinking it was for her. Seriously?

Well, that was a sweet lie but mothers tend to be very worried about their daughters and don’t want them to get in any kind of trouble. So if you send her a mail at her home address, it will first have to be checked by my mom and made sure that all is well.

Don’t want anyone else see the message between you and her? Send her the email. Want her mom to know how much you care for her daughter; send her a mail on her home address. Her mother will announce the addition of another member to the family.

Plus also, nothing is hidden from anyone in the Greek families. You might have heard the Greek women saying, everything is everyone’s business. Means everyone knows what’s going on and where.

A coffee Taint in the Coffee Cup– This was an interesting thing to learn. Many of the Greeks try telling about your life just using the small coffee taint in the cup. Surprised?

Well, once you meet a Greek lady, ask her and she will help you to find it out more about it.


Greek women are really interesting and passion is in their blood. So learn to accept and understand them and you will enjoy the relationship.

You will never starve by the way. Why? Because many of the Greek women say they love feeding people. They love cooking and then inviting others to join them.

Everything is always coming insufficient amount, never in less. Speaking of “more”, someone told me that they always thinking about bigger things. This means if my friend has a car, I will have two; if they are doing well, I will do even better.

This make them keep growing. In general, in Greece, Greek women in rural areas have more of homemaker roles. They are independent but are traditionally inclined towards women busy taking care of home responsibilities.

Therefore, out of choice, you will not see many women in a public or professional capacity in Greece. But that doesn’t mean they are not capable, they can do and will prove it when needed. That is just a choice for some but not for all.

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