How Moldova Women aren’t as Bad as You Think!

moldova women


Moldova women are the least known pretty fairies in the European region. The reason is that country is too small and has kept itself isolated that hardly people would know about this European country.


Those who visit the country would define three main reasons to remember it – Wine, Food, and Beautiful exotic women.


If you have not heard about the country and the Moldova women and wish to know how it would be date a girl from there, then I am gathering some learned observations about that experience that is unknown to you so far.


Let us talk about the country first. This will develop your base and we will proceed further in finding your potential experience of dating Moldova women.


Moldova as a Country


Not a rich country with a population of around 3.5 billion people lies between Ukraine and Romania. People are generally warm, hospitable, and calm-natured.


Also, the culture is quite open; you don’t have to worry about any exceptional dos and don’ts than just some basic etiquette of meeting a foreign culture girl.


Sensible men always are conscious, careful, and respectful. Therefore, I don’t need to place any extra emphasis on it.


The economy of the country is not very strong. Therefore, Moldova women are tempted to see a foreigner to give them a nice, stable, and financially secure life.


The country like a few other European countries have attained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. Therefore this is one of another reason that Moldova still has to establish its own identity and develop its economy. You would still find Soviet reflection is people’s attitudes and behaviors.


The culture is patriarchal in nature. You will find men heading the families and responsible for making important decisions. But that doesn’t mean they deprive the Moldova women of their rights or control their freedom.


The Moldova Women


There are many things that separate Moldova women from the women of other countries. But, there are also many things at the same time that they have in common with other nationalities.


Let’s talk about the similarities.


Features: Like other Eastern European girls, you will find Moldova women with exotic beauty. I have men saying their eyes are really captivating. Naturally, they do have the slim and nice physique and thin and cute face features.


But as it is true for every place, all of the Moldova women that you come across will not be angelic faces.


Focused Men: A good Moldova girl would always want to know how focused you are. How much you have thought about your future plans? How much time have you spent making your present and future meaningful for you?


Bragging about bank balance and showing off your wealth may lead you to trouble. Good women are not much into money but a strong personality of a man. They try to figure out if he has the ability to deal with tough situations and stand by her side.


They would want to know if you can take of her for the rest of her life because after all her goal is to find true love, settle down and start a family.


Sweet and Caring: Now if you found your right princess from among the multitude or Moldova women, you will know, they are sweet, tender, and caring.


However, they want men to be initiators. As in Moldova culture, local men are upfront. Therefore, this is what the Moldova women will accept as a foreign guy.


Now let’s come to differences


Am I beautiful or if I am Happy: The most shocking observation I found was, the statement that Moldova women are low at self-esteem. They are also known for being very affordable.


Does it mean that anything can make her happy? This confused me too. You better find it by yourself. But to inform you, this is not just from one person, but multiple guys had these views.


The reason given behind it is that the more Moldova women go higher in age, the more their value declines in their society. Along with this, from their childhood, they are brought up with a mentality that makes them feel inferior. This tends to make them happy with just small gestures of care.


Well, I don’t think there is anything about it that could be taken negatively but many men say they are confused and don’t know their self-worth and look for their happiness in the relationships they seek.


This is one of the stereotypes that actually shook me. Why a girl deserves to be unhappy when she is pretty and has the capability to do anything that girls from the rest of the world can do? Find it for yourself. Not everyone has the same observations and opinions.


Dating, Marriage, and Divorce


Moldova girls usually get married at an early age. The open culture in the society allows them to find the guy of their dreams, settle down with him if they want. There are no special obligations or set rules on dates.


Dating: While dating Moldova women, it is mostly suggested that not to go for expensive gifts and restaurants on the initial dates. Take it slow. After all, if you win her she will be your and you have a whole life ahead to buy her presents and treat her like a queen/princess.


The girls in Moldova love the outdoors in general. So it’s a good way to spend some time in outdoor activities. It could be anything from a simple walk to hiking, biking, swimming, etc. you just need to be creative or ask about her interests.


Divorce: The divorce rate is noticeably high in the country. There are huge changes that will meet many single mothers with one or two children while being on your search.


The reason told behind this is that Moldova men are quite in alcoholism and domestic violence which doesn’t let the marriage stays for longs. Also, most Moldova women don’t get married because the local men don’t like raising someone else’s children.


The Internet Scams


While thinking about intercultural dating, the internet seems the quickest way to find somebody from a particular place and start getting to know them and their culture.


For Moldova women, it could be possible but need due vigilance. The internet is full of scams and for Moldova dates it even worse.


Moldova doesn’t have any of its own websites. Somebody put it in an interesting way. Moldova is too small to have its own dating website.  You have to be careful while communicating with Moldova women online.


Many times such agencies use it to flourish their business. I do not have personal experience but I have been told that in many cases the agencies post photo of a stunning girl with her permission.


She then will leave and other girls will be hired to communicate with you pretending that’s her while she would be enjoying her life somewhere else. The girls would try all possible means to extract money and gifts from your pocket.


Ironically the local agency staff in Moldova would be aware of that and would be enjoying the party at your expense.


Later when you will visit to meet her in Moldova, the real girl would be invited, and then it will be her turn to squeeze you till the last penny you have. After that either you will be dumped or will not see her ever again or will wake up but that would be late.


How late that is up to you to decide.


Another strange thing I heard about dating Moldova women is to investigate. Weird, isn’t it? I mean this sounds a bit unethical. But if you want to stay away from scams, this is recommended.


It is also advised if you visit the country; keep your contacts back home updated on where you will stay and always keep the emergency number in approachable places.




Moldova women, no doubt are amazing beauty but this depends if you find the right girl and if black scam cats won’t cross your path.


I have shared the important details with you. Rest is your job to find out. I will wish you luck with your plans!

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